Search Results

2289 results were found

Activity Type CME Provider Title Credit Hours Fee End Date
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Drexel University College of Medicine DocCom Module 20: Family Interview 0.75 Yes 12/31/2027
Drexel University College of Medicine DocCom Module 21: Communication and Relationships with Children and Parents 1 Yes 12/31/2027
Drexel University College of Medicine DocCom Module 22: The Adolescent Interview 1.75 Yes 12/31/2027
Drexel University College of Medicine DocCom Module 23: The Geriatric Interview 1.75 Yes 12/31/2027
Drexel University College of Medicine DocCom Module 24: Tobacco Intervention 1.75 Yes 12/31/2027
Drexel University College of Medicine DocCom Module 25: Motivating Healthy Diet and Physical Activity 1 Yes 12/31/2027
Drexel University College of Medicine DocCom Module 26: Anxiety and Panic Disorders 1.25 Yes 12/31/2027
Drexel University College of Medicine DocCom Module 27: Communicating with Depressed Patients 0.75 Yes 12/31/2027
Drexel University College of Medicine DocCom Module 28: Domestic Violence 1 Yes 12/31/2027
Drexel University College of Medicine DocCom Module 29: Alcohol: Interviewing and Advising 1.5 Yes 12/31/2027
Drexel University College of Medicine DocCom Module 3: Therapeutic Aspects of Medical Encounters 1 Yes 12/31/2027
Drexel University College of Medicine DocCom Module 30: The Clinical Assessment of Substance Use Disorders 1.75 Yes 12/31/2027
Drexel University College of Medicine DocCom Module 31: Medically Unexplained Symptoms and Somatization 2.25 Yes 12/31/2027
Drexel University College of Medicine DocCom Module 32: Advance Directives 1 Yes 12/31/2027
Drexel University College of Medicine DocCom Module 33: Giving Bad News 1 Yes 12/31/2027
Drexel University College of Medicine DocCom Module 34: Communication near the End of Life 1 Yes 12/31/2027
Drexel University College of Medicine DocCom Module 35: Dialog about Unwanted Outcomes 1.25 Yes 12/31/2027
Drexel University College of Medicine DocCom Module 36: Ending Clinician-Patient Relationships 1 Yes 12/31/2027
Drexel University College of Medicine DocCom Module 39: Talking with Impaired Physicians 1 Yes 12/31/2027
Drexel University College of Medicine DocCom Module 4: Balance and Self Care 1 Yes 12/31/2027