Institute for Healthcare Improvement

IHI Open School – Triple Aim for Populations: Improving Health Equity

This three-lesson course will explore health disparities – what they are, why they occur, and how you can help reduce them in your local setting. After discussing the current (and alarming) picture in lesson 1, we’ll dive into Lesson 2…

IHI Open School – Person and Family-Centered Care – Dignity and Respect

What does it mean to treat patients and families with dignity and respect? It means that health care providers listen to and honor patient and family perspectives and choices. Providers incorporate patient and family knowledge, values, beliefs, and cultural background…

IHI Open School – Leadership – Introduction to Health Care

When you think of a leader, who comes to mind? A president? A CEO? This course will teach you a different idea of leadership: No matter your position or formal title, you can be a leader. In this course, you’ll…