Physician Executives

IHI Open School – Quality Improvement Curriculum – How to Improve with the Model for Improvement

The goal of every health care provider and organization is to provide safe, timely, equitable, effective, efficient, and patient-centered care. But how can that hopeful statement become a reality? Explore this suite of courses to learn how to apply the science of improvement – which includes aims, measures, and Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles – to make positive changes within the systems in your local setting. You’ll also learn about the psychology of change, and why introducing new ideas and processes often take time, patience, and creativity.

IHI Open School – Patient Safety Curriculum – From Error to Harm

As long as humans are practicing health care, mistakes and harm will be part of our daily work. But how can you mitigate the mistakes you make? And why do we make errors in the first place? The suite of courses will introduce you to the fundamentals of patient safety, and explain why to err is human. You’ll dive into content about teamwork and communication, explore root cause analysis and the aftermath of adverse events, and discover the critical components comprising a culture of safety.