
Leveraging the Clinical Team

As health care reform grants access to millions of new patients, nurse practitioners and physician assistants will play an increasingly vital role in the delivery of high quality care. Will you be ready to build and lead a high-performing interdisciplinary…

IHI Open School – Person and Family-Centered Care – Dignity and Respect

What does it mean to treat patients and families with dignity and respect? It means that health care providers listen to and honor patient and family perspectives and choices. Providers incorporate patient and family knowledge, values, beliefs, and cultural background…

Social Media Management: How to Respond to Negativity Aimed at You

With the rise of social media as a preferred communication platform, every industry has become a target of negative reviews. The rise in websites that facilitate negative commentary has proliferated. Unfortunately, negative comments are often divisive, angry, and can feel…

Anesthesia Handoff Communication

Handoffs in anesthesiology are very variable and can easily lead to errors, complications and even deaths. This CME module will define the parameters important for safe anesthesia handoffs. Anesthesiologists and CRNAs will understand the different checklists and mnemonics that can…

ED Handoff Communications

The ED is an error-prone environment, and is perhaps the most handoff-intense setting in all of healthcare. While sign-out is a point where error may be introduced, it is also a point where error may be caught and corrected. Standardized…

HIV Diagnosis and Treatment: What Should You Know?

The CDC estimates that almost 50,000 new cases of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections occur each year, approximately 1.2 million people in the U.S. are infected with the virus, and approximately 20% of those people infected are unaware of their…