Deep Learning for Video-Based Assessment in Surgery
This surgical innovation explains how applying deep neural networks could ensure the continued use of video-based assessment.
This surgical innovation explains how applying deep neural networks could ensure the continued use of video-based assessment.
Importance According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and governing bodies within the American College of Surgeons, the administration of antibiotics as prophylaxis against infection prior to a planned elective procedure is, with rare exception, routinely recommended. The goal…
Importance Gallstone pancreatitis (GSP) is the leading cause of acute pancreatitis, accounting for approximately 50% of cases. Without appropriate and timely treatment, patients are at increased risk of disease progression and recurrence. While there is increasing consensus among guidelines for the…
Importance Liver malignancies are an increasing global health concern with a high mortality. We review outcomes following liver transplant for primary and secondary hepatic malignancies. Observations Transplant may be a suitable treatment option for primary and secondary hepatic malignancies in well-selected patient…
Importance Entrustable professional activities (EPAs) compose a competency-based education (CBE) assessment framework that has been increasingly adopted across medical specialties as a workplace-based assessment tool. EPAs focus on directly observed behaviors to determine the level of entrustment a trainee has for…
This article discusses the implementation of surgical activity regulation methodology in the operating room to reduce organizational dysfunction, improve quality of work life of the surgical staff, and decrease staff overtime.
This Guide to Statistics and Methods provides an overview of common flaws with surgical education research, including how to recognize and avoid them.
This Guide to Statistics and Methods describes aspects of methods of survey research in surgical education, important considerations, and pitfalls and limitations.
This Guide to Statistics and Methods provides an overview of the selection and application of qualitative research in surgical education.
This Guide to Statistics and Methods provides an overview of simulation-based education and its impact on surgeon performance.
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