Expanding the All of Us Research Platform Into the Perioperative Domain
This article offers tools for implementing the All of Us Research Program in surgical medicine.
This article offers tools for implementing the All of Us Research Program in surgical medicine.
Importance Biliary dyskinesia is a disorder characterized by biliary pain, a sonographically normal gallbladder, and a reduced gallbladder ejection fraction on cholecystokinin-cholescintigraphy (CCK-HIDA) scan. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy remains a common treatment for biliary dyskinesia despite a lack of high-quality evidence supporting the…
This Surgical Innovation outlines the advantages of performing a partial transplant to deliver growing heart valve implants in newborn babies.
Importance Neonates requiring surgery are often cared for in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). Despite a breadth of surgical pathology, neonates share many perioperative priorities that allow for the development of unit-wide evidence-based Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) recommendations. Observations The guideline…
This article discusses the ACGME requirement that sponsoring institutions of postgraduate medical training provide trainees with at least 6 weeks of paid parental leave throughout their training period.
Importance Childbearing has been a particular barrier to successful recruitment and retention of women in surgery. Pregnant surgeons are more likely to have major pregnancy complications, such as preterm delivery, intrauterine growth restriction, infertility, and miscarriage, compared with nonsurgeons. The average…
Importance Necrotizing soft tissue infections (NSTIs) are severe life- and limb-threatening infections with high rates of morbidity and mortality. Unfortunately, there has been minimal improvement in outcomes over time. Observations NSTIs are characterized by their heterogeneity in microbiology, risk factors, and anatomical…
This article discusses the Latinx Colorectal Surgery Clinic, which was created to provide linguistically and culturally tailored surgical care.
This surgical innovation explains how applying deep neural networks could ensure the continued use of video-based assessment.
Importance According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and governing bodies within the American College of Surgeons, the administration of antibiotics as prophylaxis against infection prior to a planned elective procedure is, with rare exception, routinely recommended. The goal…
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