JAMA Surgery

Citizenship and Social Responsibility in Surgery – A Review

Importance  Social determinants of health have been shown to be key drivers of disparities in access to surgical care and surgical outcomes. Though the concept of social responsibility has received growing attention in the medical field, little has been published contextualizing…

Sex Differences in the Pattern of Patient Referrals to Male and Female Surgeons

Importance  Studies have found that female surgeons have fewer opportunities to perform highly remunerated operations, a circumstance that contributes to the sex-based pay gap in surgery. Procedures performed by surgeons are, in part, determined by the referrals they receive. In the…

Categorization of Differing Types of Total Pancreatectomy

Importance  Comparability of morbidity and mortality rates after total pancreatectomy (TP) reported by different surgical centers is limited. Procedure-specific differences, such as the extent of resection, including additional vascular or multivisceral resections, are rarely acknowledged when postoperative outcomes are reported. Objectives  To…