Search Results

2751 results were found

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Louisiana Medical Mutual Insurance Company (LAMMICO) Follow-up in Outpatient Care 1 Yes 1/26/2025
JAMA Dermatology Foscarnet-Induced Penile Ulceration 1 Yes 8/30/2024
American Association for Physician Leadership Foundations of Financial Accounting 5 Yes 12/31/2025
AMA Journal of Ethics Four Ways to Limit Use of Force in Care of Persons Experiencing Homelessness 1 Yes 11/1/2024
JAMA Network Open Frequency and Outcomes of Ipsilateral Axillary Lymphadenopathy After COVID-19 Vaccination 1 Yes 6/15/2025
JAMA Frequency and Risk of Emergency Medical Service Interhospital Transportation of Patients With Acute Lower Respiratory Tract Illness During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the US 1 Yes 2/2/2025
JAMA Frequency of Thrombocytopenia and Platelet Factor 4/Heparin Antibodies in Patients With Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis Prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic 1 Yes 8/4/2024
American Association for Physician Leadership From Autonomy to Teamwork 3 Yes 5/31/2026
Massachusetts Medical Society From Polypharmacy to Deprescribing - A Wise Choice 1.0 Yes 1/16/2026
American Society of Anesthesiologists Fundamentals of Patient Safety 2021 10 Yes 9/23/2024
American Association for Physician Leadership Fundamentals of Physician Leadership: Finance 7.0 Yes 5/31/2025
American Association for Physician Leadership Fundamentals of Physician Leadership: Influence 7.0 Yes 11/30/2024
American Association for Physician Leadership Fundamentals of Physician Leadership: Negotiation 7.0 Yes 5/31/2025
American Association for Physician Leadership Fundamentals of Physician Leadership: Quality 7.0 Yes 11/30/2024
JAMA Network Open Further Evidence Supporting the Use of Prophylactic Anticoagulation in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 1 Yes 6/21/2024
JAMA Futility in Clinical Trials 1 Yes 7/31/2024
Massachusetts Medical Society Future Health: Best Practices for Advancing Care 3.0 Yes 3/22/2027
Louisiana Medical Mutual Insurance Company (LAMMICO) Gastroenterology Claims: The Connection Between Complications and Consent 1.0 Yes 11/10/2024
JAMA Network Open Gastrointestinal Cancer Stage at Diagnosis Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan 1 Yes 10/7/2024
American Medical Association Gathering and Reviewing Demographic Safety Data - Examples at the Brigham and Women's Hospital 0.25 Yes 2/6/2027