Search Results

23 results were found

Activity Type CME Provider Title Credit Hours Fee End Date
American College of Physicians ACP Advance Curriculum Module 1: Establish the What and Why for Change 1 Yes 8/8/2025
American College of Physicians ACP Advance Curriculum Module 2: Identify How to Measure Change 1 Yes 8/8/2025
American College of Physicians ACP Advance Curriculum Module 3: Plan for Change and Identify Solutions 1 Yes 8/8/2025
American College of Physicians ACP Advance Curriculum Module 4: Implement and Sustain Change 1 Yes 8/8/2025
American College of Physicians ACP Pain Management 1: Pain Fundamentals 1 Yes 4/4/2027
American College of Physicians ACP Pain Management 2: Pain Assessment 2.5 Yes 4/4/2027
American College of Physicians ACP Pain Management 3: Pain Management Principles 2 Yes 4/4/2027
American College of Physicians ACP Pain Management 4: Non-Pharmacologic Therapies 2 Yes 4/4/2027
American College of Physicians ACP Pain Management 5 - Non-Opioid Pharmacotherapy 2 Yes 4/4/2027
American College of Physicians ACP Pain Management 6 - Opioid Therapy 4 Yes 4/4/2027
American College of Physicians ACP Pain Management 7 - Opioid Use Disorder 5 Yes 4/4/2027
American College of Physicians ACP Pain Management Cases - Knee Cases 2 Yes 4/4/2027
American College of Physicians ACP Pain Management Cases - Low Back Pain 2 Yes 4/4/2027
American College of Physicians COVID-19: An ACP Physician's Guide and Resources 10 Yes 4/9/2026
American College of Physicians Online Interactive High Value Care Cases - Eliminate Disparities in Health Care 1 No 10/10/2026
American College of Physicians Online Interactive High Value Care Cases - High Value Hospitalization 1 No 10/10/2026
American College of Physicians Online Interactive High Value Care Cases - High Value Quality Improvement 1 No 10/10/2026
American College of Physicians Online Interactive High Value Care Cases - Improve Your Diagnostic Process to Practice High Value Care 1 No 10/10/2026
American College of Physicians Online Interactive High Value Care Cases - Mitigate the Impact of High Out-of-Pocket Costs on Patient Outcomes 1 No 10/10/2026
American College of Physicians Patient Priorities Care - Introduction to Patient Priorities- Aligned Decision Making 1 No 6/15/2025