Activity ID
August 8, 2025Format Type
InternetCME Credit
$0 - $25CME Provider: American College of Physicians
Description of CME Course
Based on a review of the literature and member surveys that we have done, physicians need practical instruction on how to meaningfully engage in ongoing quality improvement (QI) in a way that minimizes jargon and administrative burden and maximizes engagement of the clinical team and patient outcomes.
Here are some key references to support this gap:
• Institute of Medicine. 2001. Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/10027
• Zoutman DE, Ford BD. Quality improvement in hospitals: barriers and facilitators. Int J Health Care Qual Assur. 2017 Feb 13;30(1):16-24. PubMed PMID: 28105882.
• Coleman DL, Wardrop RM 3rd, Levinson WS, Zeidel ML, Parsons PE. Strategies for Developing and Recognizing Faculty Working in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety. Acad Med. 2017 Jan;92(1):52-57. PubMed PMID: 27191838.
The ACP Advance curriculum is designed to help clinicians from all specialties and subspecialties engage and empower to participate in quality improvement projects that are meaningful and put the clinician in the driver’s seat. The curriculum focuses on simple, core concepts that can be applied to help achieve meaningful quality goals in a practical manner.
Physicians need basic working knowledge of key definitions, steps and resources necessary to constructively engage in quality improvement. The ACP Advance QI Curriculum is designed to fill this knowledge gap.
This curriculum is interactive to allow participants to complete a project plan, map and use the key resources to plan their project.
The project they plan will be focused on improved performance of the clinical team and health delivery system in which the team is working.
ABMS Member Board Approvals by Type
ABMS Lifelong Learning CME Activity
Allergy and Immunology
Family Medicine
Medical Genetics and Genomics
Nuclear Medicine
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Plastic Surgery
Preventive Medicine
Psychiatry and Neurology
Thoracic Surgery
Commercial Support?
NoNOTE: If a Member Board has not deemed this activity for MOC approval as an accredited CME activity, this activity may count toward an ABMS Member Board’s general CME requirement. Please refer directly to your Member Board’s MOC Part II Lifelong Learning and Self-Assessment Program Requirements.
Educational Objectives
1. Outline four steps of a plan-do-study- act (PDSA) cycle
2. Develop an action plan for executing a PDSA cycle
3. Collect and interpret data to assess impact of change
4. Create a plan for sustaining improvement
High Value Care, Team-Based Care, Patient and Family Partnership, Clinician Engagement
Interpersonal & Communication Skills, Medical Knowledge, Patient Care & Procedural Skills, Practice-based Learning & Improvement, Systems-based Practice
CME Credit Type
AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
Practice Setting
Academic Medicine, Inpatient, Outpatient, Rural, Urban, VA/Military