Colon & Rectal Surgery

Surgeons and Burnout

Between 40% and 65% of surgeons are suffering from at least one symptom of burnout, according to a recent national study. Evidence indicates that burned-out surgeons are more likely to experience negative personal consequences such as addictions, sleep disorders, cardiovascular…

Escalation of Care: A Quality Improvement Initiative

Surgical residents do not always call the attending physician about critical patient events, believing that it is not necessary or that the call will not be welcome. Failure to call for help is associated with failure to rescue, adverse events…

#6: AGS Geriatrics Virtual Patient Case: Preoperative High-Risk Screening and Specialist Screening Tools In the Context of a Patient Presenting for Surgical Consultation for a Renal Mass

There is a significant shortfall of trained geriatricians to meet the healthcare needs of the older adult population, and older people are likely to need non-primary care from non-geriatrician specialists. The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) and the American…

#3: AGS Geriatrics Virtual Patient Case: End-of-Life Issues, Transition to Hospice Care, Patient and Family Communication for a Patient Who Has Acute Respiratory Failure Following Esophagectomy

There is a significant shortfall of trained geriatricians to meet the healthcare needs of the older adult population, and older people are likely to need non-primary care from non-geriatrician specialists. The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) and the American…

#2: AGS Geriatrics Virtual Patient Case: Assessing Capacity, Goals of Care, and Decision Making in the Context of a Patient with an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm and Comorbidities

There is a significant shortfall of trained geriatricians to meet the healthcare needs of the older adult population, and older people are likely to need non-primary care from non-geriatrician specialists. The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) and the American…