Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

BMJ Best Practice

BMJ Best Practice is a clinical decision support tool that supports healthcare professionals in diagnosing and managing patients. It is a knowledge resource that is continually updated, evidence-based, actionable and practical. It helps healthcare professionals fill gaps in their medical…

Essentials of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (ECAP) Conference 2025, Train New Trainers (TNT) PC-CAP Fellowship Series 2025, Train New Trainers (TNT) Primary Care – Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (PC-CAP) Fellows Conference 2025

The curriculum includes over 50 hours of training including, two-weekend intensive trainings (24-28 CME hours), live webinars on the second Monday and third Monday (21 CME hours), and one hour per month of mentoring sessions with a TNT PC-CAP faculty…

Essentials of Primary Care Psychiatry (EPCP) Conference 2025, Train New Trainers (TNT) Primary Care Psychiatry Fellows Conference 2025, Train New Trainers (TNT) PCP Fellowship Series 2025, Train New Trainers (TNT) Alumni Series 2025

The curriculum includes over 50 hours of training including, two-weekend intensive trainings (24-28 CME hours), live webinars on the second Monday and third Monday (21 CME hours), one hour per month of mentoring sessions with a TNT faculty member/mentor, and…

ECHO Autism: Intense Behavior

ECHO Autism: Intense Behavior aims to increase access to best-practice assessment, diagnosis, and treatment for individuals on the autism spectrum with intense behavior such as severe emotional dysregulation, self-injurious behaviors, and physical aggression towards others. A variety of research studies…