
Nodular Vulvar Lesions

A woman in her 30s presented with mildly itchy skin nodules in the vulvar region for 1 year, which occurred during pregnancy and increased gradually in size and number without any treatments. What is your diagnosis?

Health Care for People Experiencing Homelessness

This JAMA Insights examines the adverse effects of homelessness on physical and mental health and suggests strategies to improve access to health care, services, and housing for people experiencing homelessness.

A Child With Recurrent Jaw Swelling

A 9-year-old male presented with a 2-year history of recurrent left-sided jaw swelling. Physical examination revealed a hard mass at the left ramus of the mandible. What is your diagnosis?

A Destructive Midfacial Mass in a Middle-Aged Man

A 43-year-old man presented with a destructive mass on the nose, with multiple areas of erosion, ulcers, and exudate covering the mass. Histological examination showed polymorphous lymphocytic infiltration in the full-thickness dermis. What is your diagnosis?

Papule Protruding Into the Nasal Cavity

An 18-year-old male with no significant medical history presented for evaluation of a nasal papule that was asymptomatic without any associated pain, pruritus, or bleeding with no changes for a year. What is your diagnosis?