Nodular Vulvar Lesions
A woman in her 30s presented with mildly itchy skin nodules in the vulvar region for 1 year, which occurred during pregnancy and increased gradually in size and number without any treatments. What is your diagnosis?
A woman in her 30s presented with mildly itchy skin nodules in the vulvar region for 1 year, which occurred during pregnancy and increased gradually in size and number without any treatments. What is your diagnosis?
A 43-year-old man presented with a destructive mass on the nose, with multiple areas of erosion, ulcers, and exudate covering the mass. Histological examination showed polymorphous lymphocytic infiltration in the full-thickness dermis. What is your diagnosis?
This case report describes nonpitting erythematous edema on the forehead, glabella, nose, and cheeks.
Importance Outcome measurement is an essential component of value-based health care and can aid patient care, quality improvement, and clinical effectiveness evidence generation. The Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema Clinical Practice initiative aims to identify a list of validated, feasible, outcome…
This case report describes nonblanching, confluent, purpuric macules and patches on the palmoplantar and dorsal finger surfaces and red to grayish papulovesicles on the dorsal hands and feet, limbs, trunk, and face.
This case report describes dusky red to violaceous lesions with desquamation on the wrists and dorsal surface of both hands and near the Achilles tendon that occurred after intravenous paclitaxel treatment for invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast.
A 6-month-old girl presented with yellowish papules and nodules on the face and trunk that appeared 2 months prior, initially on the scalp, then gradually spread. What is your diagnosis?
This case report describes hyperpigmented, pruritic lesions on the patient’s face and chest that worsened over the previous 3 weeks.
A man with a history of polysubstance use presents with new bullae on his bilateral lower extremities. What is your diagnosis?
Importance Generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP) lacks internationally accepted definitions and diagnostic criteria, impeding timely diagnosis and treatment and hindering cross-regional clinical and epidemiological study comparisons. Objective To develop an international consensus definition and diagnostic criteria for GPP using the modified Delphi method….
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