JAMA Dermatology

An Asymptomatic Verrucous Plaque on the Right Temple of an Adolescent Girl

An adolescent girl presented with an asymptomatic slightly reddish verrucous plaque on the right temple; the skin lesion was nail sized when first noticed 1½ years ago, then gradually developed over the previous 8 months. What is your diagnosis?

A Reddish Semitransparent Tumor in an Adolescent Girl

A previously healthy 16-year-old girl presented with a lesion on her right upper arm that initially started as a small cutaneous nodule without obvious triggers and gradually developed and enlarged to form a red-colored tumor with a hard nodule inside….

Focal Dermal Hypoplasia

This case report describes facial atrophic papules with telangiectasias, streaked hypopigmented and hyperpigmented papules on the left side of the trunk and extremities, and soft yellow fat herniations.

Painful Erythematous Plaques on the Trunk

A woman in her 40s presented with painful erythematous plaques on her trunk that developed 2 months earlier and progressively spread. What is your diagnosis?