Search Results

47 results were found

Activity Type CME Provider Title Credit Hours Fee End Date
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University of California, Irvine School of Medicine Proper Prescribing 0 Yes 12/31/2024
Clinical Care Options, LLC Understanding AI in Mental Health and Its Impact on Mood Disorders 0 No 9/13/2024
Clinical Care Options, LLC Achieving Holistic Care in Narcolepsy: Treatment Considerations to Minimize Cardiovascular Risk 1.5 No 7/31/2025
Clinical Care Options, LLC Addressing the Complexities of Bipolar Depression with DSM Specifiers 1 No 12/31/2025
Clinical Care Options, LLC Agitation Associated with Dementia Due to Alzheimer's Disease 1 No 11/16/2024
American Society of Addiction Medicine An Overview of Reimbursement for MAT: Utilizing the Toolkit and Telehealth Updates 1 Yes 6/3/2025
Clinical Care Options, LLC Beyond the First Line: Navigating the Crossroads of MDD Treatment - Switching and Augmentation Strategies 1 No 11/16/2024
Clinical Care Options, LLC Beyond the Surface: Exploring Inflammation as a Target for Mood Disorder Treatments 1 No 9/13/2024
Clinical Care Options, LLC Clinical Crossroads: Navigating MDD Treatment Challenges Through Real-World Cases 1 No 9/14/2024
Clinical Care Options, LLC Cultivating Inclusivity: Paving the Path to Improved Diversity in Clinical Trials 1 No 8/31/2025
Clinical Care Options, LLC Decoding Complexity: Best Practices in Identifying and Managing Bipolar Depression with DSM-5-TR Specifiers 1 No 5/20/2025
Clinical Care Options, LLC Do Novel Mechanisms for Depression Treatment Herald Brighter Days Ahead for Patients with Residual Anhedonia? 1 No 9/13/2024
Clinical Care Options, LLC Elevating MDD Care: Integration of Digital Therapeutics Into MDD Treatment 1 No 9/14/2024
Clinical Care Options, LLC Empowering Recovery: Targeted Therapies for Postpartum Depression 1 No 9/14/2024
Clinical Care Options, LLC From Diagnosis to Empowerment: Patient-Centered Strategies for Optimizing Management of Bipolar I Disorder 1 No 9/13/2024
Lowell General Hospital MANAGEMENT OF PEDIATRIC BURNS 1 No 9/7/2024
Lowell General Hospital PEDIATRIC TYPE II DIABETES 1 No 11/2/2024
University of California, Irvine School of Medicine Professional Boundaries 1 Yes 12/31/2024
Clinical Care Options, LLC Silent Struggles: Bridging Gaps in PTSD Care for a Holistic Healing Journey 1 No 11/16/2024
Clinical Care Options, LLC Spinal Muscular Atrophy: Optimizing the Management of Adults in the Era of Disease-Modifying Therapies 1 No 12/31/2024