Professional Renewal Center – Distressed Physician and COPE

The Distressed Physician is a longitudinal program (3-day initial and follow ups at 1,3, and 6 months). It is delivered in a small group format and utilizes multiple teaching methods (didactic, small group discussions, role plays with feedback, experiential activities, written and reading assignments). The class also offers the ability to participate in 360 surveys that are delivered over the course of one year.

The COPE program is an individual activity structured as a PI CME activity. The Stage A Assessment consists of collateral information (incident reports, phone contacts, etc) and self report testing to determine the learner’s needs/gap. These data are used to structure the context and delivery method for the intervention (Stage B). Stage C allows the learner to engage in an reassessment and reflect on their performance in practice. These data are obtained through 360 data collection, collateral contacts as well as completion of self assessment data.
Both programs target the core competency areas of Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Professionalism, Systems Based Practice and Practice Based Learning and Improvement. Goals of both programs are to increase insight into the contributory factors to performance issues, increase knowledge and insight into the costs of the problematic behavior, the development of new knowledge and skills in the identified areas of concern and to create plan that increases the likelihood that what is learned as part of the activity is implemented into practice. This is done through the collection of follow up data.
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Affiliated or Accredited by:
Professional Renewal Center/Wales Behavioral Assessment
ABMS/ACGME Competencies
Practice-based Learning and Improvement
Systems-based Practice
Interpersonal and Communication Skills