American College of Chest Physicians – CHEST SEEK Library

Developed from the content blueprints for the board examinations, SEEK features cases and multiple-choice questions and answers with rationales to test your knowledge with timed mock exams. The case-based questions include histories, lab results, and images, and provide education on current diagnostic and treatment strategies.
CHEST SEEK resources are valuable study tools for anyone preparing for certification and recertification examinations sponsored by the medical specialty board.
a) evaluate patient cases, diagnoses, and treatments,
(b) apply research findings and recommended guidelines to diagnosis
and treatment of patients
(c) differentiate between proper and improper management of patient case, and
(d) using scientific research and recommendations, identify solutions to real-world clinical problems.
Includes Physician Reentry
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Affiliated or Accredited by:
American College of Chest Physicians
ABMS/ACGME Competencies
Practice-based Learning and Improvement
Patient Care and Procedural Skills
Systems-based Practice
Medical Knowledge