KSTAR – A&M Rural & Community Health Institute – Best Practices in Communication Course

A two-day program for healthcare professionals who seek to improve their communication skills. Communication often fails to be effective when dealing with patients, families and other team members as evidenced by the number of physicians ordered to Communication courses by State Medical Boards. This program serves to bridge the communication gap by improving physician communication.
This course addresses provider-patient as well as provider-provider communications. Attendees will learn to enhance their patient-centered interviewing skills and will also review best practices in healthcare team communication. Potential participants include clinicians seeking a higher level of patient communication, providers who want to improve their patient satisfaction scores, and healthcare professionals that have demonstrated problematic communication behaviors.
1. Improve communication with patients and healthcare peers.
2. Identify strategies to improve overall healthcare team communication.
3. Apply patient-centered communication techniques in patient encounters.
4. Understand factors contributing to practitioner burnout.
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Affiliated or Accredited by:
KSTAR – A&M Rural & Community Health Institute
ABMS/ACGME Competencies
Interpersonal and Communication Skills