Academic Medicine

Master the K (and F) Series

The mentored K Series is often an applicant’s first contact with the NIH grant process. It can be a steep and intimidating learning curve. We will help you think carefully about whether the K is right for you, as its…

Research Readiness Training

The Research Readiness Training course prepares clinical staff to effectively integrate research into busy clinical healthcare settings. Clinicians will gain foundational knowledge in the principles and implementation of research and understand the key role played by each member of the…

Master the R Series

This course guides applicants working on National Institutes of Health (NIH) R01 or R-series submissions. This four-part course will help you write a sophisticated, polished narrative that is responsive to the latest NIH trends and policies and will keep you…

MO Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence

The content of this course will help healthcare providers understand the connection between domestic violence and pregnancy and the impact violence has on maternal health. Participants will be provided a philosophical basis for trauma-informed and survivor-centered care as well as…

ECHO – Adult Mental Health II Winter 2025

This 12-session ECHO series will cover the diagnosis, pharmacology, and non-pharmacological treatment of the following conditions: Personality Disorders Somatic Symptom Disorder Schizophrenia and Psychosis Depression and Dementia in the Geriatric Population Transgender Mental Health Adult Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Reproductive Mental…

ECHO – Child Psychiatry – Winter 2025

This 12-session ECHO series will help enhance the ability of primary care clinicians throughout the state to identify and treat mental health issues in children. Both pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment methods will be presented. The Project ECHO tele-mentoring education model…

ECHO – Musculoskeletal and Rheumatic Diseases – Winter 2025

This purpose of this ECHO is to provide primary care providers and others in rural areas or with limited access with the tools to diagnose rheumatic and musculoskeletal processes and provide initial management of these conditions. This program will be…