Posted on April 5th, 2024 by Academic Programs
This case report describes a patient with stroke-like migraine attacks after radiation therapy with recurrent and transient neurological deficits in whom provocative hyperventilation during routine electroencephalography was key for the diagnosis of seizures.
Posted on May 9th, 2023 by Academic Programs
The overarching purpose of this training is to provide concentrated education and resources to promote the safe and effective prescribing of controlled substances when clinically appropriate for a legitimate medical purpose. The focus is to accelerate practice implementation and compliance…
Posted on August 10th, 2021 by Bill Sivarais
Many studies show using a surgical safety checklist improves surgical outcomes. In one survey of clinicians, over 90% of respondents said they would want a checklist used if they were undergoing surgery. However, researchers have recently identified poor checklist compliance…