American Geriatrics Society

#6: AGS Geriatrics Virtual Patient Case: Preoperative High-Risk Screening and Specialist Screening Tools In the Context of a Patient Presenting for Surgical Consultation for a Renal Mass

There is a significant shortfall of trained geriatricians to meet the healthcare needs of the older adult population, and older people are likely to need non-primary care from non-geriatrician specialists. The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) and the American…

#3: AGS Geriatrics Virtual Patient Case: End-of-Life Issues, Transition to Hospice Care, Patient and Family Communication for a Patient Who Has Acute Respiratory Failure Following Esophagectomy

There is a significant shortfall of trained geriatricians to meet the healthcare needs of the older adult population, and older people are likely to need non-primary care from non-geriatrician specialists. The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) and the American…

#2: AGS Geriatrics Virtual Patient Case: Assessing Capacity, Goals of Care, and Decision Making in the Context of a Patient with an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm and Comorbidities

There is a significant shortfall of trained geriatricians to meet the healthcare needs of the older adult population, and older people are likely to need non-primary care from non-geriatrician specialists. The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) and the American…