Activity ID
January 8, 2026Format Type
EnduringCME Credit
$150CME Provider: Louisiana Medical Mutual Insurance Company (LAMMICO)
Description of CME Course
Reviewing medical professional liability claims in their specialty can help ophthalmologists to improve patient safety and reduce liability risks. Although improper performance of a procedure is the top allegation for ophthalmology claims, ophthalmologists are often named in cases involving diagnostic errors related to vitreoretinal diseases. This activity presents an overview of claims, a diagnostic error case study, and recommendations of risk mitigation strategies for ophthalmologists.
ABMS Member Board Approvals by Type
ABMS Lifelong Learning CME Activity
Commercial Support?
NoNOTE: If a Member Board has not deemed this activity for MOC approval as an accredited CME activity, this activity may count toward an ABMS Member Board’s general CME requirement. Please refer directly to your Member Board’s MOC Part II Lifelong Learning and Self-Assessment Program Requirements.
Educational Objectives
• Discuss the potential risks of retinal tears and common allegations in ophthalmology malpractice claims.
• Implement the American Academy of Ophthalmology guidelines for posterior vitreous detachments and
retinal tears.
• Thoroughly document details of patient exams and discussions, including shared decision-making and
patient education.
Ophthalmology, Retinal tears, Claims analysis
Interpersonal & Communication Skills, Patient Care & Procedural Skills, Practice-based Learning & Improvement
CME Credit Type
AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
Practice Setting
Inpatient, Outpatient, Rural, Urban