Activity ID
February 9, 2027Format Type
InternetCME Credit
$225CME Provider: Louisiana Medical Mutual Insurance Company (LAMMICO)
Description of CME Course
The consequences of the use and abuse of controlled dangerous substances (CDS) are in the news on a daily basis. Intense attention is being focused on the prescribing of controlled substances for pain and other conditions. In addition to the patient risks related to CDS, there are legal and possibly criminal implications to practitioners involved in prescribing these drugs. Louisiana law requires CDS prescribers to obtain a one-time continuing education program prior to their license renewal in 2019. This course meets the subject requirements specified by Act 76 of the Louisiana legislature and the LSBME rules. It contains 3 hours of continuing education on the following topics: best practices for prescribing controlled dangerous substances, chronic pain, diversion training, and addiction treatment. Risk management strategies are included to help keep your patients safe and reduce your liability when prescribing controlled substances. Medical Interactive (MI) will send verification of successful course completion to the LSBME.
ABMS Member Board Approvals by Type
ABMS Lifelong Learning CME Activity
Allergy and Immunology
Family Medicine
Medical Genetics and Genomics
Nuclear Medicine
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Plastic Surgery
Preventive Medicine
Psychiatry and Neurology
Thoracic Surgery
Commercial Support?
NoNOTE: If a Member Board has not deemed this activity for MOC approval as an accredited CME activity, this activity may count toward an ABMS Member Board’s general CME requirement. Please refer directly to your Member Board’s MOC Part II Lifelong Learning and Self-Assessment Program Requirements.
Educational Objectives
Perform comprehensive patient assessments, including additional assessments when considering opioids within the treatment plan.
Utilize multimodal treatment options instead of or in addition to pharmacological strategies, especially when treating for pain.
Implement safeguards to prevent and detect diversion of controlled substances, including the use of the prescription drug monitoring program.
Identify risk for substance misuse and abuse.
Provide referral or treatment for patients with substance use disorders.
Substance use disorder, Controlled substances, Pain management, Medication therapy, Professional interaction
Patient Care & Procedural Skills, Professionalism
CME Credit Type
AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
Practice Setting
Rural, Urban