Search Results

2690 results were found

Activity Type CME Provider Title Credit Hours Fee End Date
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Institute for Healthcare Improvement IHI Open School - Person and Family-Centered Care - A Guide to Shadowing: Seeing Care through the Eyes of Patients and Families 0.5 Yes 12/31/2027
Institute for Healthcare Improvement IHI Open School - Person and Family-Centered Care - Introduction to Person-and Family-Centered Care 1.5 Yes 12/31/2027
Institute for Healthcare Improvement IHI Open School - Quality Improvement Curriculum - How to Improve with the Model for Improvement 1.5 Yes 12/31/2027
Institute for Healthcare Improvement IHI Open School - Quality Improvement Curriculum - Interpreting Data: Run Charts, Control Charts, and Other Measurement Tools 2 Yes 12/31/2027
Institute for Healthcare Improvement IHI Open School - Quality Improvement Curriculum - Introduction to Health Care Improvement 1.25 Yes 12/31/2027
Institute for Healthcare Improvement IHI Open School - Quality Improvement Curriculum - Leading Quality Improvement 1.5 Yes 12/31/2027
Institute for Healthcare Improvement IHI Open School - Quality Improvement Curriculum - Testing and Measuring Changes with PDSA Cycles 1 Yes 12/31/2027
Institute for Healthcare Improvement IHI Open School - Triple Aim for Populations: Improving Health Equity 2 Yes 12/31/2027
Institute for Healthcare Improvement IHI Open School - Triple Aim for Populations: Introduction to the Triple Aim Populations 2 Yes 12/31/2027
Institute for Healthcare Improvement IHI Open School - Triple Aim for Populations: Quality, Cost, and Value in Health Care 0.75 Yes 12/31/2027
American Society of Clinical Oncology Immuno-Oncology Program 8 Yes 12/31/2027
The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery JBJS Clinical Classroom 600 Yes 12/31/2027
Oakstone Publishing, LLC Practical Reviews in Ophthalmology 56 Yes 12/31/2027
American Society of Addiction Medicine The ASAM Criteria Online Foundations Course 8 Yes 12/31/2027
American Society of Clinical Oncology Tumor Genomics Program 7 Yes 12/31/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics Ethics Talk: Underrecognized Origins of Epidemiology 0.5 Yes 1/1/2028
AMA Journal of Ethics How Should Epidemiologists Respond to Data Genocide? 1 Yes 1/1/2028
AMA Journal of Ethics Lessons From the Political History of Epidemiology for Divisive Times 1 Yes 1/1/2028
AMA Journal of Ethics What Should Health Professions Students Learn About Data Bias? 1 Yes 1/1/2028
AMA Journal of Ethics Which Values Should Guide Evidence-Based Practice? 1 Yes 1/1/2028