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2406 results were found

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Louisiana Medical Mutual Insurance Company (LAMMICO) VIP Syndrome: A Moral Dilemma 0.5 Yes 11/1/2026
JAMA Network Open Viral Antigen and Inflammatory Biomarkers in Cerebrospinal Fluid in Patients With COVID-19 Infection and Neurologic Symptoms Compared With Control Participants Without Infection or Neurologic Symptoms 1 Yes 5/31/2025
JAMA Network Open Virologic Efficacy of Casirivimab and Imdevimab COVID-19 Antibody Combination in Outpatients With SARS-CoV-2 Infection - A Phase 2 Dose-Ranging Randomized Clinical Trial 1 Yes 8/24/2025
JAMA Surgery Voucher-Based Kidney Donation and Redemption for Future Transplant 1 Yes 9/8/2024
JAMA Ophthalmology Waking Up With Cloudy Vision 1 Yes 10/28/2024
American Medical Association Walking Backwards Into the Future on Chicago's West Side 1.25 Yes 9/6/2026
JAMA Internal Medicine Web-Based Educational Intervention for Patients With Uninvestigated Dyspepsia Referred for Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Endoscopy - A Randomized Clinical Trial 1 Yes 6/7/2024
AMA Journal of Ethics What Are the Right Tools for Studying Arts in Health Interventions? 1 Yes 7/1/2025
AMA Journal of Ethics What Can Clinicians Learn From Caregiving and Research in Ghettos and Camps of Nazi-Occupied Europe? 0.5 Yes 3/19/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics What Does Ethics Demand of Health Care Practice in Conflict Zones? 1 Yes 6/1/2025
AMA Journal of Ethics What Does It Mean for Medical School Admissions to Be Socially Accountable? 1 Yes 12/1/2024
AMA Journal of Ethics What Does the Public Need to Know About Brain Death? 1 Yes 11/28/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics What If a Resident or Medical Student Is Raped? Hospitals' and Academic Medical Centers' Title IX Obligations 1 Yes 12/12/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics What Is the Role of Accreditation in Achieving Medical School Diversity? 1 Yes 12/1/2024
AMA Journal of Ethics What Makes Palliative Mental Health Care Ethical Health Care? 1 Yes 9/1/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics What Might a Good Compassionate Force Protocol Look Like? 1 Yes 3/19/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics What Might Aducanumab Teach Us About Clinicians' Judgment About Whether to Recommend Emerging Alzheimer's Interventions? 1 Yes 10/1/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics What Might It Mean to Embrace Emancipatory Pedagogy in Medical Education? 1 Yes 12/19/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics What Primary Care Innovation Teaches Us About Oral Health Integration 1 Yes 1/1/2025
AMA Journal of Ethics What Should "Shopping" Look Like in Actual Practice? 1 Yes 11/1/2025