Addiction Psychiatry

ECHO – Deflection Coordination – Fall 2024

The purpose of the Deflection Engagement and Coordination ECHO is to develop core skills and function as a networking space for the new deflection workforce in Oregon. Lessons learned will inform recommendations for program quality improvement and may be leveraged…

ECHO – Addiction Medicine Community of Practice – Fall 2024

ECHO is tele-mentoring program that uses videoconferencing technology to combine brief expert presentations with interactive discussions of system-level challenges and opportunities. This program will support a community of learning and partnership for Oregon primary care clinicians treating patients with Substance…

P.A.C.T: Practical Approaches to Comprehensive Treatment of Pain 2024-2025

Pri-Med’s P.A.C.T.: Practical Approaches to Comprehensive Treatment of Pain curriculum focuses on improving practitioners’ ability to recognize, diagnose, and classify pain; educating clinicians on the full spectrum of pain management options, including non-opioid pharmacologic interventions; and providing risk reduction strategies…

Essentials of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (ECAP) Conference 2025, Train New Trainers (TNT) PC-CAP Fellowship Series 2025, Train New Trainers (TNT) Primary Care – Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (PC-CAP) Fellows Conference 2025

The curriculum includes over 50 hours of training including, two-weekend intensive trainings (24-28 CME hours), live webinars on the second Monday and third Monday (21 CME hours), and one hour per month of mentoring sessions with a TNT PC-CAP faculty…

Essentials of Primary Care Psychiatry (EPCP) Conference 2025, Train New Trainers (TNT) Primary Care Psychiatry Fellows Conference 2025, Train New Trainers (TNT) PCP Fellowship Series 2025, Train New Trainers (TNT) Alumni Series 2025

The curriculum includes over 50 hours of training including, two-weekend intensive trainings (24-28 CME hours), live webinars on the second Monday and third Monday (21 CME hours), one hour per month of mentoring sessions with a TNT faculty member/mentor, and…

ECHO Autism: Intense Behavior

ECHO Autism: Intense Behavior aims to increase access to best-practice assessment, diagnosis, and treatment for individuals on the autism spectrum with intense behavior such as severe emotional dysregulation, self-injurious behaviors, and physical aggression towards others. A variety of research studies…

Association of Medicine and Psychiatry (AMP) Webinar Series

The Association of Medicine & Psychiatry (AMP) hosts a monthly webinar series that serves as a platform for dual trained psychiatrists to discuss the intersection of medicine and psychiatry. These webinars cover a range of topics relevant to both fields,…

P.A.C.T.: Practical Approaches to Comprehensive Treatment of Pain

P.A.C.T.: Practical Approaches to Comprehensive Treatment of Pain curriculum focuses on improving clinicians’ ability to recognize, diagnose, and classify pain; educating clinicians on the full spectrum of pain management options, including non-opioid pharmacologic interventions; and providing risk reduction strategies through…

Psychiatry Risk and Claims

This activity examines psychiatrists’ risks of being named in a medical malpractice lawsuit and common allegations in such lawsuits. Exploring the case examples in this activity and adopting some of the affiliated risk management suggestions may help you to better…